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Drinks and Punches

Coke 330ml


Classic Coca-Cola with a bold taste.

Coke Zero 330ml


A zero-calorie cola with a refreshing taste.

Cream Soda 330ml


A sweet and creamy soda with a hint of vanilla.

Diet Coke 330ml


A sugar-free version of the classic Coca-Cola.

Fruit Punch (Bigga) 500ml


A refreshing tropical fruit punch soda.

Ginger Beer 330ml


A spicy and refreshing ginger-flavored drink.

Grape Soda 330ml


A fruity grape-flavored soda.

JerFusions Guinness Punch 500ml


A rich and creamy punch made with Nigerian Guinness.

JerkFusions Peanut Punch 500ml


A traditional Caribbean peanut punch, rich and nutty.

Jerkfusions sorrel and Ginger 500ml


A refreshing Caribbean drink made with hibiscus and ginger.

Pineapple Soda 330ml


Sweet and tangy pineapple-flavored soda.

Red Stripe Alcoholic Larger


A crisp and refreshing Jamaican lager beer.

Rum Punch 250ml


A fruity cocktail made with rum and tropical fruit juices.

Sorrel and Ginger with White Rum 250ml


A bold and spicy sorrel and ginger drink infused with white rum.

Ting 330ml


A refreshing grapefruit soda.

Tropical Vibes Fruit Punch 250ml


A vibrant fruit punch drink with tropical flavors.

Tropical Vibes Pineapple and Ginger 250 ml


A unique blend of sweet pineapple and spicy ginger.

Tropical Vibes Sassy Strawberry 250ml


A sweet and tangy strawberry-flavored drink.

Tropical Vibes Soursap 250ml


A tropical drink with the unique flavor of soursop.